Positive Education
Positive Education at Marlborough is strongly connected to our vision of being a ‘community centred on wellbeing, where students are empowered and build skills for life to achieve their personal best.’
We believe that it is not enough to teach our children just how to read, write and solve maths problems. It is equally important to educate our students socially, emotionally and physically – enabling them to flourish both at Marlborough and in their life beyond school.
Marlborough has embraced the science of Positive Psychology which, when applied to the education setting, is called Positive Education. Positive Psychology is a new branch of psychology that emerged from traditional psychology’s deficit-based model. It is a strengths-based approach that aims to prevent, rather than cure mental illness and anxiety.
“The fundamental goal of Positive Education is to promote flourishing or positive mental health within the school community”.
Our aim is to provide our community with a toolbox of strategies that they can use to lead happy and meaningful lives.
The aim of Positive Education at Marlborough Primary School is to focus on nurturing specific skills and character strengths that will support our community members to:
P : build Positive emotions
E : experience a sense of Engagement
R : strengthen Relationships
M : identify sources of Meaning and purpose
A : strive to achieve goals and celebrate such Accomplishments
+ : maintain a healthy lifestyle through exercise, sleep and nutrition (+)
Character Strengths
“We must remember that intelligence is not enough, intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.”
Martin Luther King Jnr.
Character strengths are positive traits – capacities for thinking, feeling, and behaving in ways that benefit you and others. The VIA Classification of Character Strengths is comprised of 24 character strengths that fall under 6 broad virtue categories.
Strengths that help you build your knowledge:
- Creativity
- Curiosity
- Open-Mindedness
- Love of Learning
- Perspective
Strengths that help you build your courage:
- Bravery
- Persistence
- Honesty
- Zest
Strengths that help you build relationship:
- Love
- Kindness
- Social Intelligence
Strengths that help you build community:
- Teamwork
- Fairness
- Leadership
Strengths that help you find balance and manage behaviours:
Strengths that help you connect outside yourself:
Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence
Friendology 101 is part of our school-wide wellbeing curriculum that facilitates our students in developing and managing healthy peer relationships. Its emphasis is on enhancing the social-emotional wellbeing of children through learning and owning friendship skills.
URSTRONG is an internationally recognised friendship program that empowers children with the skills, language, and self-confidence to be better friends and develop healthier relationships. It supports research that shows children with healthy friendships perform better academically, have higher self-esteem, a more positive body image, get involved in more leadership roles, and make smarter decisions in future relationships.
At Marlborough Primary School, our Friend-o-Leaders play a crucial role in promoting positive relationships and fostering a supportive school community. Based on the URStrong Friendology program, these student leaders are trained to help their peers navigate friendships, resolve conflicts, and build emotional resilience. Friend-o-Leaders serve as role models, encouraging kindness, inclusivity, and respect among students.
Community Wellbeing Hub
Content here
Link to wellbeing hub.
School Wellbeing Supports
Small group supports
Classroom supports
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