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At Marlborough Primary School, our school community is at the heart of everything we do. We highly value the relationships and connections that make our school a welcoming and inclusive place. 


Through open communication, working together and mutual respect, we strive to create a strong bond among students, parents, teachers, and staff. 

Together, we work hand in hand to create a supportive environment where everyone’s contributions are valued, ensuring that each member of our school community thrives and succeeds.

Upcoming Events 2024

22nd April – Grade 6 Indonesian Day at Heathmont College

29th April – 3rd May – Whole school swimming program

6th May – Curriculum Day

7th May – School Photos

9th May – Whole School Cross Country

13th – 17th May – Education Week

14th May – District Cross Country

15th May – Open Night

25th May – Adult Trivia Night

27th May – Reconciliation week

1st June – Information Morning 10am

7th June – Fire rescue Vic – Foundation Incursion

10th June – Kings Birthday

16th June – Information Morning 10am

28th June – Last day of Term 2

15th July – First day Term 3

17-19th July – Camp Oasis Grade 3 & 4

14th August – Book Fair

16th August – House Athletics Carnival

2nd September – Curriculum Day

20th September – Last day Term 3

7th Oct – First day Term 4

23-25th Oct – Camp Warratah Bay Grade 5 & 6

10th Dec – Year 7 Transition Day

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School Council

The Marlborough Primary School (MPS) council is composed of parent members, community memebers and staff representatives.

The council oversees several subcommittees, including Finance, Buildings and Grounds, Governance, and Publicity and Promotions, which report back to the council.

The Role of School Council

– Establish the overarching direction and vision for the school, including the school strategic plan.
– Formulate, review, and update school policies.
– Approve the annual budget and monitor expenditures.
– Foster effective communications to engage parents, the school community, and the broader community to generate interest, build partnerships, and enhance the school.

How can parents be involved?

Parents can nominate for school council at the start of each year. A notice is sent out to all families seeking nominations. Voting occurs at the council’s AGM in March. Members serve on the council for two years, with half the positions vacated each year. The principal nominates the staff representatives.

How can parents raise issues with the school council?

Parents can contact any school council member to raise issues or concerns. Typically these will relate to matters of school policy. Teaching or educational issues should be raised with the relevant teacher or principal in the first instance.

Can parents attend school council meetings?

In some cases, parents who have raised particular matters for council consideration may be asked to attend and present on the issue. If you would like to attend a meeting, please contact the Principal Tim Mulhall

MPS Parents and friends Association

Marlborough Primary School prides itself on its welcoming, caring and involved community. The Parents and Friends Association is an integral part of this community, providing opportunities for parents and caregivers to meet other families, and the chance to become involved in school life and the education of our children. The association organises social activities throughout the year for parents, families and students as well as fundraising activities to support our school.

The parents association meets every six to eight weeks and all parents and caregivers are welcome to attend and become involved. If you are able to help organise or donate items for any of these events, please speak to our office staff who can put you in contact with the right person.

In 2023, Our Parents’ and Friends’ Association raised enough funds to purchase an entire class worth of Chromebook computers – a huge achievement! 

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